Jain Xonic 100LM Ultrasonic Open Channel Flow Meter

Xonic100LM Ultrasonic Open Channel Flowmeter use ultrasonic transit-time method for flow velocity and use level meter to
receive level data.


Xonic100LM Ultrasonic Open Channel Flowmeter use ultrasonic transit-time method for flow velocity and use level meter to
receive level data. Xonic 100LM not only measure velocity, but measure sound speed and can compensate temperature
change by it’s own diagnostic functions. Xonic 100LM is newly developed and has very sophisticated diagnostic functions for
better performance.

System Description

Xonic 100LM use Cross- Correlation and Fast Fourier Transform technics to measure more accurate flow rate. This DSP technology makes Xonic 100LM more reliable, maintainable and accurate. Xonic 100LM use certified new technology PATENTED “Very precise time measurement method” and also use PATENT “Transducer Design for Open Channel”. The patent is about transducers alignment method in field, and engineers can align one transducers to opposite transducer very precisely with laser pointer.


Jain Technology

Jain Technology

Especially JAIN TECHNOLOGY makes fully digitalized various kind of ultrasonic flowmeters for liquid and gas. Also, JAIN TECHNOLOGY has CERTIFIED CALIBRATION LABORATORY for liquid flow in accordance with the recognized International Standard ISO/IEC 17025:2005.

JAIN TECHNOLOGY provides the total solutions of the ultrasonic flow measurements from planning and design, through to manufacturing, installation and commissioning. We deliver a complete range of flow measuring services, as well as specialized assistance in a range of ultrasonic flowmeters.