Sierra SmartTrak 100 Premium Digital Mass Flow Controllers

Sierra SmartTrak 100 Premium Digital Mass Flow Controllers

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Deskripsi Sierra SmartTrak 100 Premium Digital Mass Flow Controllers

Sierra SmartTrak 100 Premium Digital Mass Flow Controllers memberi pengguna sensor paling linier di dunia, kinerja katup yang lebih halus, elektronik yang lebih kuat, dan kontrol yang lebih besar untuk berbagai fungsi. Hasilnya adalah rangkaian meter aliran massa dan pengontrol yang mendemonstrasikan instrumentasi aliran premium yang mudah digunakan.

Seri 100 dirancang agar fisika benar. Hasil kinerja luar biasa dari desain Laminar Flow Element (LFE) yang dipatenkan dan inheren, teknologi sensor platinum canggih, dan katup kontrol melayang tanpa gesekan milik Sierra.

Seri 100 tersedia dengan Pilot Module yang inovatif dan ramah pengguna, perangkat kontrol yang dipasang di depan atau genggam yang memungkinkan pengguna untuk Dial-A-Gas, mengubah laju aliran, memodifikasi unit teknik, atau mengonfigurasi ulang instrumen . Dengan Modul Percontohan, pengguna dapat mengatur skala nol, rentang, dan penuh untuk masing-masing dari 10 gas yang berbeda secara terpisah untuk mengakomodasi perubahan aplikasi atau desain sistem yang tidak terduga. Untuk kinerja, fleksibilitas, dan nilai tertinggi, SmartTrak adalah pilihan cerdas.

Untuk peneliti lab dan integrator sistem/OEM, pengontrol aliran massa termal SmartTrak 100 andalan Sierra adalah MFC digital multi-gas sejati yang dirancang untuk menghadirkan kontrol aliran massa gas yang halus, stabil, akurat, dan berulang yang dapat Anda andalkan, setiap saat. Tidak terpengaruh oleh fluktuasi suhu dan tekanan gas hulu, kontrol aliran massa gas dengan SmartTrak 100 Sierra bersifat langsung dan tegas.

Tersedia dalam rentang aliran apa pun yang Anda tentukan hingga 1000 slpm dan lebih tinggi, SmartTrak disetujui CE, hadir dalam berbagai ukuran, penutup tahan air industri, tekanan dan suhu pengoperasian, dan faktor bentuk industri.

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Fitur Sierra SmartTrak 100 Premium Digital Mass

  • Measure and control gas mass flow rates up to 1000 slpm
  • Pressure up to 5000 psig (333 barg)
  • Ideal for OEM, industry or research applications
  • True linear performance provides high accuracy and great flexibility in multiple gases
  • With Dial-A-Gas® Technology, you select from up to ten pre-programmed gases or substitute your own
  • Unique Pilot Module (mounted or hand-held) lets you view and change critical control functions
  • All control functions are also available from your PC or workstation via supplied SmartTrak 100 software
  • 316 stainless steel construction
  • Small footprint and great flexibility facilitates replacement of older MFM or MFC
  • Factory calibration done with primary standards directly traceable to NIST
  • Proprietary frictionless-hovering direct-acting control valve technology
  • Single-sided 24 VDC input power reduces installation cost and complexity
  • CE approved
  • Choose from multiple analog or digital signals including: RS-232, RS-485, 4-20 mA, 0-5, 1-5, 0-10 VDC
  • Digital communications protocols supported
    • Modbus
    • Profibus DP
    • Foundation Fieldbus
    • Device Net (pending)

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Spesifikasi Sierra SmartTrak 100 Premium Digital Mass Flow Controllers

  • All clean gases including toxics and corrosives
  • High accuracy: +/- 0.5% of full scale
  • Accuracy: +/- 1% of full scale
  • Repeatability: +/- 0.2% of full scale
  • Flow ranges from 0-10 sccm to 0-1000 slpm (nlpm)
  • Higher and lower flow ranges available
  • Pressure to 500 psig (34.5 barg)
  • Pressure to 5000 psig (345 barg) available
  • Gas/ambient temp 32°F to 122°F (0°C to 50 C)
  • Response time: 300ms time constant: 2 seconds (typical) to within ± 2% of final value (includes settling time), faster or slower available upon request
  • 24 VDC power supply
  • Seals: Viton®, Neoprene®, Kalrez®
  • 316 stainless-steel construction
  • Analog or digital signals included: RS-232, RS-485 (Multi-drop), 0-20, 4-20 mA; 0-5, 1-5, 0-10 VDC
  • Digital communications: Foundation Fieldbus, Modbus RTU, and Profibus DP
  • CE approved

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Keunggulan Produk

  • Ideal for OEM, industry and research
  • Patented, inherently linear Laminar Flow Element (LFE) design, advanced platinum wound capillary sensor
  • Mass flow rates up to 1000 slpm; higher upon request
  • 50 slpm (nlpm) version in a small footprint 3 inches long, 1 inch wide, 7 inches tall (76.2 mm, 177.8 mm, 25.4 mm); does not include fitting length
  • Makes drop-in replacement easy
  • User-friendly pilot module display interface is front-mounted, hand-held, or remote mounted
  • Field adjustment with multifunction pilot module display interface. Change the following:
    • measured gas
    • flow rate
    • engineering units
    • set zero, span and full scale for each gas independently
  • Primary Standard Calibration & NIST traceability
  • 10 pre-programmed gases come standard; substitute up to 9 more
  • Proprietary frictionless-hovering, direct-acting control/shut-off valve
  • Precision digital PID valve control; no valve tuning or adjustment
  • Free user software
  • Control functions also available from PC via RS-232
  • Source code for RS-232 communication provided
  • Compod™ upgrade to run small-scale pilot plants without expense of DCS or PLC system
  • Enhanced networking capability, including two digital relays, totalization, inputs, and display
  • Wide range of digital communication protocol options: Modbus, Foundation Fieldbus

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