Deskripsi McCROMETER Ultra Mag Electromagnetic Flow Meter
McCROMETER Ultra Mag Electromagnetic Flow Meter adalah magmeter terdepan dan canggih yang hanya membutuhkan 1D hulu dan 0D hilir dari sebagian besar pengganggu aliran, dan masih mempertahankan akurasi 0,5% di rentang aliran yang besar. Pengukur aliran elektromagnetik yang telah terbukti di lapangan dirancang untuk kebutuhan khusus industri dan industri air & air limbah. UltraLiner ™ yang disetujui NSF yang unik dari mag flow meter memberikan insulasi listrik yang unggul serta perlindungan yang sangat baik terhadap korosi dan abrasi.
Pengukur mag terdepan dan canggih – pengukur aliran Ultra Mag menetapkan standar baru untuk kinerja, kemudahan penggunaan, dan nilai. Ini dirancang untuk kebutuhan industri air dan air limbah – khusus untuk cairan konduktif, bubur, dan lumpur. Kotoran/padatan tidak akan menyumbat saluran. Pengukur mag ini menggunakan elemen pengukuran non-intrusif dan sangat baik di lingkungan keras yang membutuhkan perawatan minimal. Pengukur aliran Ultra Mag sangat ideal dalam produksi sumur air, stasiun pompa, air & air limbah industri / kota, dan banyak lagi.
Digunakan di area berbahaya:
- Class 1, Division 2, Groups A-D, T5
- Class 2, Zone 2, Groups A-D, T5
– Non-intrusive measurement
– NSF-approved, fusion-bonded epoxy liner: the UltraLiner
– Signal converter (can be meter mounted or remote mounted up to 500 ft. away)
– Meter is wet calibrated in NIST traceable calibration facility
– Forward and reverse flow outputs and totalization
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Keunggulan Performa
- Tidak ada hambatan untuk aliran
- Tidak ada bagian yang bergerak untuk dipakai atau rusak
- Bebas perawatan
- Pengukuran akurat tanpa khawatir
- Kotoran atau benda padat tidak akan menyumbat meteran
- Tidak ada kehilangan kepala
- Aliran dua arah
- Deteksi pipa kosong
- Tidak terp
- Hanya membutuhkan 1 diameter pipa di bagian hulu dari sebagian besar pengganggu aliran
- engaruh oleh perubahan densitas dan viskositas
- Tidak ada risiko delaminasi atau pemisahan liner
- Kisaran aliran yang luas
- Kabel daya dan sinyal terpisah
Tipe Keuntungan
- Raw Water
- Chilled Water
- Cooling Water
- Process Control
- Effluent Wastewater
Clean Water
- Well Water
- Potable Water
- Pump Stations
- Rate-of-Flow Control
- Raw Water Transmission
- Influent
- Effluent
- Reclaimed
- Lift Stations
- Waste Activated
- Sludge
- Return Activated
- Sludge
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McCROMETER Ultra Mag Spesifikasi
Ukuran Pipa
- 2″ to 48”
Flow Direction Measurement
- Forward and reverse flow indication and forward, reverse, net totalization are standard with all meters
- Plus or minus 0.5% of actual flow (battery powered is ±1% of flow)
IMPORTANT NOTICE ON FLOW METER ACCURACY : The flow meter, the cable and the electronics are factory calibrated for accuracy as a single unit. Changing the cable length with the Splice Kit changes the accuracy of the meter and invalidates the calibration certificate.
Akurasi Tests
- 5-point wet flow calibration of every complete flow tube with its signal converter. If desired, the tests can be witnessed by the customer. The McCrometer test facilities are traceable to the National Institute of Standards & Technology. Uncertainty relative to flow is ±0.15%
Pipe Run Requirements
- 2” & 3” : wafer style 3D upstream / 1D downstream
- 2” and larger flanged : 1D upstream / 0D downstream
- ±0.05% or ±.0008ft/s (±0.25mm/s), whichever is greater
- 5 µs/cm
- UltraLiner NSF approved, fusion bonded epoxy
- Type 316 stainless steel, others optional
Electrical Koneksi
- Compression gland seals
- Quick-Connect
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Peringkat IP
- Standard model
Quick Connect (NEMA 6P/IP68 with remote converter)
Compression gland seals (NEMA 6P/IP68 with remote converter) - HL model
Quick Connect (IP67)
Compression gland seals (IP67)
Sensor Submersibility Depth
- With standard strain relief cable : 9 m (30 ft.)
- With optional quick connect cable : 1.8 m (6 ft.)
Head Loss
- None. No obstruction in line and no moving parts
Pressure Range
- 150 PSI maximum working pressure (UM06); 300 PSI maximum working pressure (UM08)
Velocity Range
- .2 to 32 FPS
Temperature Range
- Sensor Operating : -10 to 60°C (14 to 140°F)
- Sensor Storage : -15 to 60°C (5 to 140° F)
Certifications and Approvals
- Standard Model
ISO 9001:2015 certified quality management system
Certified by MET to UL 61010-1 - HL Model
ISO 9001:2015 certified quality management system
Certified by MET to UL 61010-1 and MET C22.2 No. 61010-1-04
Class I, Division 2, Groups A-D, T5
Class I, Zone 2, IIC T5
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Pilihan Sistem
- Hastelloy® electrodes
- Additional sensor cable up to 475’
- Annual verification / calibration
- Stainless steel ID tag
Pilihan Meter
- DC powered converter (10-35 VDC, 21 W)
- Meter mounted converter
- Extended warranty
- Hastelloy® electrodes
- ANSI or DIN flanges
- Special lay lengths, including ISO standard lay lengths
- Quick Connect cable fittings
- Converter sun shield
- HART® Converter
- Smart Output™ (Sensus or Itron compatible)
- Battery or battery-solar powered converter
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