Fluidwell Display, Indicator, Totalizer, and Batch Control for Flow and Level

Fluidwell Display, Indicator, Totalizer, and Batch Control for Flow and Level

Table of Contents

Tentang Fluidwell Display, Indicator, Totalizer, and Batch Control for Flow and Level

Fluidwell Display, Indicator, Totalizer, and Batch Control for Flow and Level adalah pilihan ideal untuk berbagai macam indikator aliran, indikator level, pengukuran aliran, kontrol batch, dan aplikasi pengukuran proses. Dengan pilihan model yang mudah diprogram dan daftar lengkap pilihan untuk dipilih. Tampilan dan kontrol Fluidwell cocok untuk aplikasi pemasangan lapangan apa pun, dapat dipasang di panel, dipasang di dinding, dipasang di pipa, atau dipasang langsung di sensor Anda atau peralatan lainnya. Faktanya, memasang, menginstal, dan memprogram F-series Anda sangat mudah, dan mudah digunakan, dapat dilakukan oleh kru Anda sendiri. Menyelamatkan diri Anda sendiri dari semua biaya dan kesulitan mengatur spesialis yang mahal.

Tampilan dan pengontrol ini juga dapat dilihat di luar ruangan dan diterapkan di area berbahaya. Fokusnya adalah pada aplikasi untuk aliran, tekanan, suhu, dan kontrol level serta tampilan. Ada indikator dengan solusi pemasangan panel dan lapangan, pengontrol batch, dan komputer indikator/aliran EX.

Aplikasi Fluidwell Display, Indicator, Totalizer, and Batch Control for Flow and Level

  • Hazardous Areas
    Robust indicators are suitable for environments where an explosive atmosphere (gas/dust) is present continuously, for long or short periods, or frequently.
  • Oil Industry
    Robust indicators are designed to guarantee safety beyond the legislative hazardous area requirements. Accurate measurements in the harshest challenging conditions of the oil industry.
  • Truck (un)Loading
    Loading and unloading of liquids for bulk transportation.
  • Hydrogen
    The zero-emission fuel hydrogen will open up regenerative, sustainable mobility choices. Hydrogen-powered vehicles have
  • Offshore
    Durable high-grade stainless steel 316L (Ex d) indicators are designed to guarantee safety beyond the legislative hazardous area requirements. Accurate flow rate measurement in the harshest conditions of the offshore industry.
  • Marine
    Robust and durable flow computers, designed to withstand rough maritime weather conditions.
  • Water & Wastewater
    Water, once an abundant natural resource, is nowadays the most essential and valuable commodity. The complex operational processes involve a wide range of flow measurement applications.
  • Chemicals
    With increasing competition worldwide, automation and innovation remain crucial for the chemical industry in finding new ways to meet the demands of its consumers.
  • Food
    Whether you focus on agriculture, manufacturing, or food processing, the one thing in common in the complex, global food industry is the need for accurate repeating batches.
  • Engine Generators
    Engine generators are used to provide electrical power in areas where utility electricity is unavailable, or where electricity is only needed temporarily. Environments are often very rough and challenging.

Fluidwell Flow Indicator/Totalizers

Indikator aliran, penghitung, dan komputer adalah bisnis inti kami. Kami memiliki pengetahuan dan pengalaman yang mendalam untuk mengembangkan produk yang selalu berhasil. Kami mengembangkan melampaui spesifikasi, secara intrinsik aman, dan tahan ledakan… karena kami tahu apa yang terbaik dan apa persyaratannya untuk terus bekerja dari waktu ke waktu.

Basic Flow rate Indicators-Totalizers

Fluidwell Flow Monitors with alarm outputs

Flow Transmitters Fluidwell with various outputs

Flow Indicators Fluidwell with linearization

Flow Transmitters with HART Communication

Fluidwell Flow Computers

Flow Computers with linearization

Temperature / Pressure Compensation

Differential – Sum Flow Computer

Ratio Monitor – Controller

Flow rate Controller

Fluidwell Batch Controllers

Basic Batch Control

Fluidwell Batch Controllers with printer output

Batch Controllers Fluidwell with numerical keypad

Delivery Controller – Dispenser

Fluidwell Level Indicators

Basic Level Indicators

Level Monitors with alarm outputs

Level Indicators with linearization

Level Controllers

Temperature Indicators Fluidwell

Basic Temperature Indicators

Pressure Indicators Fluidwell

Basic Pressure Indicators

Pressure Monitors with alarm outputs

General Purpose Indicators

Loop powered indicators


Remote Monitoring

  • Data Acquisition
  • Smart Services (IoT)

For information Price, stock and other please contact: WMA

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