Rheonik RHM60 Coriolis Mass Flow Meter

Rheonik RHM60 Coriolis Mass Flow Meter

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Rheonik RHM60 Coriolis Mass Flow Meter can measure flow rates up to 180 t/hr with the unique Omega shape sensor technology, manufactured by Rheonik mass flowmeter experts. The Rheonik RHM60 Coriolis Mass Flow Sensor is a robust sensor designed for 4″ line sizes. The availability of a variety of wetted materials and wide pressure/temperature ratings allow use in applications throughout all industries.

Flow rate

TheRHM60 is a large-size Coriolis sensorwith a maximum density rate of 3000kg/min and a minimum accurate density rate of 60kg/min.


The torsion oscillator design provides accurate measurements with low mass flow uncertainty at 0.1% and high consistency with repeatability being better than 0.05%.

Temperature and pressure ranges

Wide fluid temperature range of between -196°C and 350°C means it can be used in high temperature applications like asphalt and bitumen. Other applications include terminal transfer, reactor charging and plant balance.


The sensor enclosure is produced as standard out of stainless steel but can be changed to 316 stainless steel. The terminal box is made from epoxy coated aluminium but can also be made from 316 stainless steel.

A variety of wetted materials are available including Alloy C22, Superduplex and 316Ti.


The sensor enclosure is protection class IP65 but there is the available option of IP66/NEMA4X. The sensors are approved for use in hazardous zones having been given ATEX/IECEx approval for zones 0, 1 and 2. There is also North American Approval for Class I, Div. 1 and groups ABCD.


  • Range: 30 kg/min up to 3000 kg/min
  • Pressure: up to 430 bar (6236 psi)
  • Temperature: -196°C (-321°F) up to +350°C (662°F)
  • Accuracy: 0.1 % of rate
  • Materials: SS 316L / SS 316Ti, Super Duplex – 1.4410
  • Process Connection: 4″ up to 4″

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Typical applications include:

  • Plant Balance
  • Terminal Transfer
  • Asphalt/Bitumen and Other High-Temperature Fluids
  • Viscous Fluids
  • Reactor Charging
  • Batching
  • Barge, The ship, Rail Car and Truck Filling

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  • The torsion oscillator design assures a stable and drift-free measurement with excellent signal-to-noise ratios
  • Resilient to external noise and vibration
  • Insensitive to pipe pressure changes
  • Robust tube wall thickness provides increased operational safety in abrasive applications
  • Corrosion-resistant
  • Long sensor life is guaranteed due to low mechanical stresses in the meter mechanism
  • No moving parts to wear or fail

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General Specifications

Nominal Flow (Qₙₒₘ)*2500 kg/min (5512 lb/min)
Maximum Flow (Qₘₐₓ)*3000 kg/min (6614 lb/min)
Typical Minimum Flow (Qₘᵢₙ)*30 kg/min (66 lb/min)
Operating TemperatureFluid temperature range options cover applications from -196°C to +350°C (-320°F to +662°F). For integral transmitter versions please refer to transmitter datasheet
Ambient Temperature-50 °C to +80 °C (-60 °F to +180 °F) (standard)
Pressure RatingsUp to 490 bar / 7107 psi – dependent upon material
Electrical Connection SensorM20 x 1.5 standard cable entry for JM, SM terminal box versions
w/o Integral TransmitterOptional entries available : ½” NPT or M25 x 1.5 (only for SM) or ¾” NPT (only for SM)
Max. cable length to remote RHE transmitter 100 m / 328 ft
Sensor Enclosure MaterialsStainless steel 304 (standard), SS 316 (optional)
Coated aluminum terminal box, SS 316 terminal box (optional)
Enclosure TypeProtection class IP65, NEMA 4 (standard); IP66 / NEMA 4X (optional)
Wetted Materials1.4571 (SS 316Ti), 1.4410 (SuperDuplex) – standard
2.4602 (Alloy C22) – consult Factory
Additional/customer specific materials available upon request
Process ConnectionsNearly any – the Rheonik AnyPipeFit Commitment. Consult factory for types/sizes not listed in this data sheet on the Mechanical Construction pages
Pressure Rating ComplianceEurope – PED: Module A2, Module B3.1+C2
Canada – CRN: Canadian Registration Number
Certifications and ApprovalsATEX / IECEx Approvals for Zone 0, 1 (details see page 10)
North American Approvals Class I, Div. 1, 2, Gr. A,B,C,D, Zone 0, 1, 2
MID custody transfer approval (OIML R117)
American Bureau of Shipping (ABS) Product Type Approval for use on marine vessels
Testing and InspectionAll sensors are hydro tested, calibrated and supplied with a traceable calibration certificate. Customized calibration and testing services are available
Project Documentation and QA, ServicesRheonik offers a full set of services for large and complex engineering projects.
Typical services offered are, but not limited to:
•Certificates of origin and conformity, mill certificates
•Data books including WPAR, WQS, NDT, test & quality plans, functional testing, calibration procedures, customized packing, factory acceptance etc.
•Painting to project specification
•Start up and commissioning services on/offshore
OptionsEnclosure heating for high temperature applications
Cleaning for oxygen service , …
For more consult factory

*At Qₙₒₘ pressure drop across a parallel tube sensor will be approximately 0.5 bar (7 psi) for H₂0. Sensors can be operated at higher flow rates up to Qₘₐₓ but pressure drop will be higher. Typical Minimum Flow Qₘᵢₙ is the recommended lowest flow rate for an accurate measurement. Sensors will measure flow rates lower than Qₘᵢₙ but uncertainty will increase beyond 1 % of rate.

The flow rate specifications above relate to standard pressure, parallel tube, manifold sensor versions. Models with higher pressure ratings have increased wall thickness and will have higher pressure drops.

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Pressure Drop

At Qnom, pressure drop across a parallel tube sensor will be approximately 1-3 bar (15-44 psi) for H20.Sensors can be operated at higher flow rates but pressure drop will be higher. Qmin is the recommended lowest flow rate. Sensors will measure flow rates lower than Qmin, but uncertainty will increase beyond 0.5 % of rate.

The flow specifications above relate to standard pressure, parallel tube, manifold sensor versions. Models with higher pressure ratings have increased wall thickness and will have higher pressure drops.

Performance Data

  • Flow Measurement Uncertainty
    • Selected Sensors down to±0.10 %¹ of rate (Gold Line)
    • Standard Sensors down to±0.15 %² of rate
  • Flow Measurement Repeatability : Down to±0.05 %of rate
  • Temperature Measurement : Better than±1 °C
  • Density Calibration (Liquid)
    • Selected Sensors down to±0.0005 kg/liter(Gold Line)
    • Standard Sensors down to±0.001 kg/liter

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Measurement Tube Pressure Ratings

The maximum pressure (pmax) of a sensor is determined by its lowest rated part. The lowest rated part can be either the measurement tube (pmax indicated below), the connection block/manifold (pmax indicated in the mechanical construction section) or the process connection (for pmax see published standards or manufacturer information).

Material Sensor50 °C120 °C210 °C350 °C
122 °F248 °F410 °F662 °F
SS 316Ti (standard)104 bar93 bar80 bar67 bar
1508 psi1349 psi1160 psi972 psi
SuperDuplex258 bar242 bar210 barn/a
Low Pressure ³3742 psi3510 psi3046 psi
SuperDuplex490 bar430 bar389 barn/a
Medium Pressure ³7107 psi6237 psi5642 psi

Uncertainties and flow measurements turn down

All uncertainty statements refer to reference conditions – the mass flow of water, 18 – 24 °C, 1 – 3 bar in a standard temperature, pressure, and material configuration sensor. The sensor can be used to measure gas – uncertainty values for gas equal to the liquid value plus 0.3 %. Reference conditions for gas are mass flow of natural gas, 18 – 24 °C, 35 to 100 bar in a standard temperature, pressure, and material configuration sensor.

The turn-down capability from the Qnom of the flow sensor is mainly driven by its zero-point stability. At the very low end of the measuring range, the uncertainty (u) is dominated by the zero point stability. The zero point stability of a standard sensor is 0.000036 kg/min (0.000079 lbs/min). The zero stability of a Gold Line sensor is 0.000019 kg/min (0.000042 lbs/min).

  • For flow Q ≥ zero stability / (calibration uncertainty/100) u = calibration uncertainty
  • For flow Q < zero stability / (calibration uncertainty/100) u = (zero stability/Q) x 100

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Uncertainties from environmental and process conditions

If sensors are not zeroed at operating conditions, minor additional uncertainties can arise from elevated temperatures and pressures: ±0.00308 % of maximum flow per °C and ±0.0208 % of maximum flow per bar.

Process temperature effect on density: additional uncertainty of ±0.000641 g/cm³ per °C difference from calibration temperature with standard density calibration and of ±0.000073 g/cm³ per °C difference from calibration temperature with enhanced density calibration. This effect can be mitigated by a simple field density adjustment at operating conditions.

Process pressure effect on mass flow: The effect of pressure on flow measurement is 0.001 % of rate per bar. Compensation is possible by pressure sensor input (analog input or digital write) or manual value entry into the transmitter.

Process pressure effect on density: The effect of pressure on density measurement is 0.00012 g/cc per bar. Compensation is possible by pressure sensor input (analog input or digital write) or manual value entry into the transmitter.

Source : www.rheonik.com