Kawaki Measuring Instrument

Kawaki Flow Switch and Flow MeterLogo

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Informasi Umum Kawaki Measuring Instrument

Kawaki Measuring Instrument telah memproduksi suku cadang mesin pelindung dari produsen industri berat utama, suku cadang terkait tekanan hidrolik dari produsen mesin utama, dan suku cadang untuk melindungi inverter tegangan dari produsen listrik berat utama selain pengukur pengukuran laju aliran (flow meter , flow switch, flow sight dll.) sejak inisiasi pada bulan April 1948. Kami sedang mengembangkan dan memproduksi berbagai jenis flow meter untuk memenuhi permintaan pasar yang sangat beragam. Pengukuran laju alir diperlukan untuk memahami dan mengendalikan kuantitas yang terkait langsung dengan aktivitas manufaktur seperti volume produksi produk, jumlah penggunaan bahan baku, dan konsumsi energi (uap, bahan bakar, dll.)

Selain kegiatan manufaktur, juga diperlukan pemeliharaan dan pengelolaan fasilitas pembuangan air dan saluran pembuangan, transportasi cairan, transaksi bisnis, dan pemantauan pembuangan polutan. Di sisi lain, ada berbagai target pengukuran laju aliran; gas, cair, uap, bubuk dan bahan granular. Selain itu, banyak bahan seperti uap bersuhu tinggi dan bertekanan tinggi, gas cair bersuhu sangat rendah, cairan bubur (cairan yang mengandung banyak padatan), cairan pulp, asam sulfat pekat, soda kaustik, cairan etsa dalam seperti cairan pelapisan , cairan dengan viskositas tinggi seperti adonan permen dan minyak tidak dapat diukur dengan mudah. Aliran di saluran seperti limbah dan pembuangan pabrik yang memiliki permukaan air terbuka, aliran udara, dan aliran bahan bubuk dan butiran di ruang terbuka juga menjadi target pengukuran laju aliran, selain cairan dan gas yang mengalir di jalur pipa.

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Kawaki Product List

Flow Variable Area Flow Meter and Flow Switch

Kawaki Measuring Instrument
Kawaki Measuring Instrument

SF-type flow switch/flow meter

  • Cocok untuk suhu tinggi dan cairan bertekanan tinggi dari cairan tidak jelas (minyak dll.)
  • Kontak sakelar aliran adalah tipe variabel internal, namun, jika Anda sering mengubah kontak, tipe variabel eksternal juga dibuat.
  • Untuk penggunaan di luar ruangan dan di tempat dengan lingkungan yang buruk, jenis yang benar-benar kedap air (IEC, IP67) juga diproduksi.

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TypeSF-M type instantaneous flow rate indicator
SF-MA type instantaneous flow rate indicator + with lower limit (upper limit) contact
SF-MAA type instantaneous flow rate indicator + with lower limit (upper limit) contact
Bore3/8B to 12B Flange type
RC3/8 to RC1.1/2 Screw type
Withstanding pressureStandard product 1.0MPa
Special order item 3.0MPa and above
TemperatureStandard product 80°C or less
Special order item 300°C or less
AccuracyEach indication scale ±3%
Capacity of contactFor the micro switch used for the contact, three types shown below are separately used depending on bore and flow rate.
*15A: 125,250VAC、0.5A: 125VDC、0.25A: 250VDC
*5A: 125,250VAC、0.5A: 125VDC、0.25A: 250VDC
*10A: 125,250VAC
Material of main unitFC250,CAC406,SS400,SUS304,SUS316,SUS316L etc.
Material of main sectionC3604B,SUS304,SUS316,SUS316L etc.
Remark*For places with frequent vibration, please use earthquake resistant type.

FY type flow switch / flow meter

  • Cocok untuk laju aliran yang relatif kecil (setara dengan air 0 hingga 15L/mnt) cairan bersuhu tinggi dan bertekanan tinggi dari cairan tidak jelas (minyak, dll.)

Baca Selengkapnya :Flow Meter Group FMT-S Turbine Gas Flow Meter


TypeFY-M type instantaneous flow rate indicator
FY-M type instantaneous flow rate indicator
Bore3/8B to 12B Flange type
RC3/8 to RC1.1/2 Screw type
Withstanding pressureStandard product 1.0MPa
TemperatureStandard product 80°C or less
AccuracyEach indication scale ±3%
Capacity of contact*5A: 125,250VAC,0.5A: 125VDC,0.25A: 250VDC
Material of the main unitFC250,CAC406,SUS304
Material of the main sectionC3604B,SUS304
Remark*For places with frequent vibration, please use earthquake-resistant SF type.
*If the use pressure is 1.0MPa or more, use SF type for high pressure.
*For use outdoors and at places with bad environments, totally waterproof type (IEC, IP67) is also manufactured

SA type flow switch/flow meter

  • Flow meter / flow switch ini adalah tipe SF berukuran kecil dan fiturnya sama dengan tipe SF dan tipe SA.
    Jenis variabel eksternal juga diproduksi.


Self-holding proximity switchSA-M type instantaneous flow rate indicator
SA-MA type instantaneous flow rate indicator + with lower limit (upper limit) contact
SA-MAA type instantaneous flow rate indicator + with lower limit (upper limit) contact
Bore3/8B to 1B Flange type
RC3/8 to RC1 Screw type
Withstanding pressureStandard product 1.0MPa
TemperatureStandard product 80°C or less
Special order item 300°C or less
AccuracyEach indication scale ±3%
Capacity of contact*50W: 0.5A,125VAC
Self-holding proximity switch
Material of main unitFC250,CAC406,SS400,SUS304,SUS316,SUS316L etc.
Material of main sectionC3604B,SUS304,SUS316,SUS316L etc.
Remark*For places with frequent vibration, please use earthquake resistant type.

KY type flow switch/flow meter

  • Cocok untuk cairan yang tidak jelas karena bagian indikasi dipisahkan menggunakan mechanical seal
  • Arah aliran tidak dibatasi
  • Posisi kontak bervariasi

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TypeKY-M type instantaneous flow rate indicator
KY-MA type instantaneous flow rate indicator + with lower limit (upper limit) contact
Bore3/8B to 5B Flange type
RC3/8 to RC1.1/2 Screw type
Withstanding pressureStandard product 1.0MPa
TemperatureStandard product 80°C or less
AccuracyEach indication scale ±5%
Capacity of contact*15A: 125,250 or 480VAC,0.5A: 125VDC,0.25A: 250VDC
ApplicationSuitable for indication and warning of flow rate of lubrication oil quantity
Suitable for indication and warning of flow rate of fluid that contains iron powder
Material of main unitFC250,CAC406,SUS304
Material of main unitC3604B, SUS304
Remark*For places with frequent vibration, please use earthquake-resistant SF type.
*If the use pressure is 1.0MPa or more, use SF type for high pressure.
*The range of minimum scale is 0 to 30L/min (water) and 0 to 20L/min (oil).

Orifice Flow Meter

Orifice flow meter

Struktur sederhana yang memasang indikator laju aliran ke lubang keran sudut menghasilkan performa biaya yang unggul dan pengukuran laju aliran berbiaya rendah bahkan untuk lubang besar. Berbagai jenis indikator laju aliran disusun untuk memenuhi berbagai kebutuhan.

  • Dapat memilih indikasi digital atau indikasi analog.
  • Untuk keluaran relai, tersedia hingga dua kontak.
  • Berbagai sinyal keluaran seperti sinyal analog dan fungsi komunikasi HART tersedia.
  • Jika catu daya tidak dapat dipastikan, jenis indikator analog atau indikator digital didukung oleh jenis baterai bawaan.


Fluid to be measuredLiquid, gas (however, for corrosive fluid, please contact us)
BoreWafer connection, flange connection
15A to 100A : JIS 5K/10K/16K/20K/30K FF/RF
1/2” to 4” : ANSI#150Lb #300Lb
Maximum use pressureMax. 2.0MPa (standard product) (for high pressure, please contact us)
Temperature of fluid-10~70°C(standard product)
AccuracyF.S. ±5%
Installation locationcan be installed outdoors (however, please avoid direct sunlight)
Material of main unitSS400,SUS304,SU316,SUS316L etc.
Material of plateSUS304,SUS316,SUS316L etc.
Remark*If you are worried about pressure loss, please contact us.
*Both horizontal piping and vertical piping can be used.
*Drain for drainage can be installed.
Example of use*Cooling water line by purified water, industrial water, coolant liquid, etc.
*Gas line of air, nitrogen, etc.
*General process line

Orifice flange / orifice plate

Juga memungkinkan untuk membuat hanya flensa orifice atau pelat orifice


Orifice typeFlange tap orifice, corner tap orifice (ring orifice), D.1/2D tap orifice
Fluid to be measuredliquid, gas
BoreWafer connection, flange connection
15A to 100A JIS 5K/10K/16K/20K/30K FF/RF
1/2” to 4” ANSI#150Lb #300Lb
Port for removing the differential pressureflange connection (JIS, ANSI, JPI, etc.), screw connection (Rc, NPT, PF(G)) 15A and above
Differential pressuredesigned and manufactured with a specified differential pressure
Material of main unitSS400,SUS304,SU316,SUS316L etc.
Material of plateSUS304,SUS316,SUS316L etc.
Material of sealingvarious O-rings, various type of packing (decide after meeting)
Remark*If you are worried about pressure loss, please contact us.
*Both horizontal piping and vertical piping can be used.
*Drain for drainage can be installed.
*Drain hole and ventilation hole can be installed.
Example of use*Cooling water line by purified water, industrial water, coolant liquid, etc.
*Gas line of air, nitrogen, etc.
*General large bore process line

Flow Sight / Flow Indicator

Kawaki Measuring Instrument
Kawaki Measuring Instrument

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FS type flow sight (transparent type sight glass)

Data sheet

TypeFS-I: without flapper
FS-II: with flapper
FS-B: ball contained
FS-I-N: with nozzle
FS-IV: for both purposes of forward and reverse
FS-IV: for both purposes of forward and reverse
FS-W: with wiper
Bore3/8B to 6B flange type (special order item to 12B)
3/8B to 2B screw type
Withstanding pressure1.0MPa
Temperature80°C or less (Standard product)
MaterialMain unit: FC250,FC450,CAC406,SS400,SUS304,SUS316
Main section: C2801P,SUS304,SUS316
RemarkFor FS-II and FS-IV types, outline flow rate scales can be carved.

FS-M / FS-O type flow sight (magnet servility type)

Dengan tipe FS, indeks tidak dapat dilihat dengan jelas karena minyak atau noda pada kaca jendela. Namun, dengan tipe flow sight ini, laju aliran dapat terlihat “jelas” karena indeksnya dipasang di bagian luar permukaan yang dibasahi.

Data sheet

TypeFS-M : Magnet servility type flow sight
FS-O : Magnet servility type flow sight for small flow rate
3/8B to 6B Flange type (special order item to 12B)
3/8B to 2B Screw type
3/8B to 1B Flange type (special order item to 12B)
3/8B to 1.1/2B Screw type
Withstanding pressure1.0MPa
Temperature80°C or less (Standard product)
MaterialMain unit: FC250、FC450、CAC406、SS400、SUS304、SUS316
Main section: C2801P、SUS304、SUS316
RemarkThe model of this flow sight that complies with the Fire Service Act is FS-K type.

FS-C / FS-N flow sight type with needle valve

TypeFS-C : As a cap is attached to the needle valve, other people cannot touch it easily once the oil quantity is set.
FS-N : the needle valve is a 2.0MPa type for earthquake resistance and high-accuracy fine adjustment is possible
BoreFS-C : 1/4B to 1.1/2B Screw type
FS-N : 1/4B to 1B Screw type
Withstanding pressure1.0MPa
Temperature80°C or less (Standard product)
Flow sight : Main unit FCD450, Main section C2801P
Needle valve : Main unit CAC406, Main section C3604B
Flow sight : Main unit FCD450, Main section C2801P
Needle valve : Main unit C3771B, Main section C3604B
RemarkFS-K type comes with a protection cover made of steel complying with the Fire Service Act, and is without a window glass in order to prevent the damage of window glass. For small flow rate or when black oil is measured, please use FS-O type.

Arah aliran dari sisi ke bawah dan katup jarum dipasang ke sisi saluran masuk untuk menyesuaikan jumlah pelumasan.

TypeFI-1 to FI-12
BoreFI-1 type : RC1/4×RC1/2 : Maximum flow rate 3L/min
FI-2 type : RC3/8×RC1/2 : Maximum flow rate 3L/min
FI-3 type : RC1/2×RC1/2 : Maximum flow rate 3L/min
FI-4 type : RC1/4×RC3/4 : Maximum flow rate 5L/min
FI-5 type : RC3/8×RC3/4 : Maximum flow rate 5L/min
FI-6 type : RC1/2×RC3/4 : Maximum flow rate 5L/min
FI-7 type : RC3/4×RC3/4 : Maximum flow rate 5L/min
FI-8 type : RC1/4×RC1 : Maximum flow rate 5L/min
FI-9 type : RC3/8×RC1 : Maximum flow rate 5L/min
FI-10 type : RC1/2×RC1 : Maximum flow rate 5L/min
FI-11 type : RC3/4×RC1 : Maximum flow rate 5L/min
FI-12 type : RC1×RC1 : Maximum flow rate 10L/min
Withstanding pressure1.0MPa
Temperature80°C or less (Standard product)
MaterialMain unit : AC-8BT6, Main section : C3604B, Needle valve : SUS304
RemarkProduct with a protection cover made of steel complying with the Fire Service Act is also manufactured for preventing the damage of window glass.

MFI type multi flow sight

TypeMFI-1 type (1-strand) to MFI-10 type (10-strand)
BoreInlet: 3/8B to 3/4B screw type
Outlet: 3/8B screw type
Flow rate0 to 6L/min at 220mm2/s. 0.2MPa
Withstanding pressure0.5MPa
Temperature80°C or less (Standard product)
MaterialMain unit : SS400,C3604B,SUS304
Main section : S25C,C3604B,SUS304
Float : C3604B,SUS304
Remark3 to 4-point scale can be attached as an option.

Kawaki Variable Area Flow Meter

  • SR-type flow meter
  • KNR-type flow meter
  • NF-type flow switch
  • INF-type flow meter/flow switch

Sumber: kawaki.com | inaparts.com

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