Brainchild C21/C91 Established Process and Temperature controllers

Brainchild C21,C91 Established Process and Temperature controllers

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Brainchild C21/C91 Established Process and Temperature controllers adalah pengontrol suhu elektronik pemasangan panel ukuran 1/32 DIN. Unit pengatur suhu ini ditenagai oleh suplai 11-26 atau 90-250 VDC/VAC, yang dilengkapi dengan 2 amp. mengontrol keluaran relai sebagai standar. Keluaran kedua dapat digunakan sebagai kontrol pendinginan, alarm, atau pengatur waktu diam. Tingkat pengambilan sampelnya yang cepat memungkinkan unit untuk mengontrol proses yang cepat. Model C21 diterapkan secara luas di industri berikut: cetakan injeksi plastik/karet, peralatan tungku vakum, program kontrol proses suhu semikonduktor, tungku sintering keramik, pewarnaan dan pengeringan serat, dll.

Fuzzy Logic plus pengontrol suhu berbasis mikroprosesor PID, menggabungkan satu tampilan LED 4 digit yang terang dan mudah dibaca, yang menunjukkan nilai proses dan nilai titik setel. Teknologi Fuzzy Logic memungkinkan suatu proses untuk mencapai set point yang telah ditentukan dalam waktu singkat, dengan minimum overshoot selama power-up atau gangguan beban eksternal.

Brainchild C21/C91 Pengontrol suhu dan proses yang mapan Fuzzy Logic ditambah pengontrol suhu berbasis mikroprosesor PID, menggabungkan satu tampilan LED 4 digit yang terang dan mudah dibaca, yang menunjukkan nilai proses dan nilai titik setel. Teknologi Fuzzy Logic memungkinkan suatu proses untuk mencapai set point yang telah ditentukan dalam waktu singkat, dengan minimum overshoot selama power-up atau gangguan beban eksternal.

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Brainchild C21/C91 Informasi Umum

Sebagai produsen profesional dan berpengalaman, kami menyediakan pengontrol suhu berkinerja tinggi dan berkualitas, yang juga disebut pengontrol suhu, pengontrol suhu elektronik, pengontrol suhu elektronik, dan pengontrol PID.

  • Mudah digunakan
  • Kontrol panas & dingin PID yang dimodifikasi Fuzzy
  • Laju pengambilan sampel A-D cepat (5 kali/dtk)
  • Input universal (PT100, termokopel) dengan akurasi tinggi 18-bit A-D
  • Keluaran analog (arus atau tegangan linier) menggunakan D-A 15-bit dengan akurasi tinggi
  • Antarmuka RS-485 RS-232
  • Port pemrograman disediakan di kapal
  • Mendukung kontrol manual & fungsi auto-tune
  • Beragam pilihan mode alarm
  • Kontrol perlindungan penguncian
  • Transfer tanpa hambatan selama mode kegagalan
  • Soft-start ramp dan timer stay
  • Tampilan cerah distabilkan dengan filter digital
  • Panel depan disegel ke NEMA 4X & IP65 (model C21)
  • Persetujuan UL/CSA/CE
  • Performa tinggi dengan biaya rendah

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  • 90 – 250 VAC, 47 – 63 Hz, 10VA, 5W maximum
  • 11 – 26 VAC / VDC, SELV, Limited Energy, 10VA, 5W maximum

Input 1 Karakteristik

  • Resolusi 18 bit
  • Sampling Rate 5 kali/detik
  • Peringkat Maksimum -2 VDC minimum, maksimum 12 VDC (1 menit untuk input mA)
  • Efek Suhu
    • ±1.5 uV/ °C for all inputs except mA
    • input ±3.0 uV/ °C for mA input
  • Efek Resistansi Timbal Sensor
    • T/C: 0.2uV/ohm
    • 3-wire RTD: 2.6 °C/ohm of resistance difference of two leads
    • 2-wire RTD: 2.6 °C/ohm of resistance sum of two leads
  • burn-out 200nA Saat Ini
  • Rasio Penolakan Mode Umum (CMRR) 120dB
  • Rasio Penolakan Mode Normal (NMRR) 55dB
  • Deteksi Kerusakan Sensor
    • Sensor open for TC, RTD and mV inputs,
    • Sensor short for RTD input,
    • below 1 mA for 4-20 mA input,
    • below 0.25V for 1 – 5 V input, unavailable for other inputs.
  • Waktu Respon Sensor Istirahat
    • Within 4 seconds for TC, RTD and mV inputs,
    • 0.1 second for 4-20 mA and 1 – 5 V inputs.

Input 1

TypeRangeAccuracy@ 25 °CInput Impedance
J-120 ~ 1000 °C (-184 ~ 1832 °F)±2 °C2.2MΩ
K-200 ~ 1370 °C (-328 ~ 2498°F)±2 °C2.2MΩ
T-250 ~ 400°C (-418 ~ 752°F)±2 °C2.2MΩ
E-100 ~ 900 °C (-148 ~ 1652 °F)±2 °C2.2MΩ
B0 ~ 1800 °C (32 ~ 3372 °F)±2 °C (200°C – 1800°C)2.2MΩ
R0 ~ 1767.8 °C (32 ~ 3214 °F)±2 °C2.2MΩ
S0 ~ 1767.8 °C (32 ~ 3214 °F)±2 °C2.2MΩ
N-250 ~ 1300 °C (-418 ~ 2372 °F)±2 °C2.2MΩ
L-200 ~ 900 °C (-328 ~ 1652 °F)±2 °C2.2MΩ
PT100 (DIN)-210 ~ 700 °C (-346 ~ 1292 °F)±0.4°C1.3KΩ
PT100 (JIS)-200 ~ 600 °C (-328 ~ 1112 °F)±0.4°C1.3KΩ
mV-8 ~ 70mV±0.05%2.2MΩ
mA-3 ~ 27mA±0.05%70.5Ω
V-1.3 ~ 11.5V±0.05%650KΩ
Output 1 / Output 2Linear Output Characteristics
Relay Rating2A/240 VAC, life cycles 200,000 for resistive load
Pulsed VoltageSource Voltage 5V, current limiting resistance 66Ω .
Linear Output Characteristics
TypeZero ToleranceSpan ToleranceLoad Capacity
4-20 mA3.6-4 mA20-21 mA500Ω max.
0-20 mA0 mA20-21 mA500Ω max.
0-5 V0 V5-5.25 V10KΩ min.
1-5 V0.9-1 V5-5.25 V10KΩ min.
0-10 V0 V10-10.5 V10KΩ min.

Linear Output

Resolution15 bits
Output Regulation0.02 % for full load change
Output Settling Time0.1 sec. ( stable to 99.9 % )
Isolation Breakdown Voltage1000VAC
Temperature Effect±0.01 % of SPAN / °C

Triac ( SSR ) Output

Rating1A / 240 VAC
Inrush Current20A for 1 cycle
Min. Load Current50 mA rms
Max. Off-state Leakage3 mA rms
Max. On-state Voltage1.5V rms
Insulation Resistance1000 Mohms min. at 500 VDC
Dielectric Strength2500 VAC for 1 minute

Alarm( Output 2 )

Alarm 1 RelayForm A,Max. rating 2A/240VAC, life cycles 200,000 for resistive load.
Alarm FunctionsDwell timer,
Deviation High / Low Alarm,
Deviation Band High / Low Alarm
Process High / Low Alarm
Alarm ModeNormal, Latching, Hold, Latching / Hold.
Dwell Timer0.1 – 4553.6 minutes

Data Communication

InterfaceRS-232 ( 1 unit ), RS-485 ( up to 247 units )
ProtocolModbus Protocol RTU mode
Address1 – 247
Baud Rate0.3 ~ 38.4 Kbits/sec
Data Bits7 or 8 bits
Parity BitNone, Even or Odd
Stop Bit1 or 2 bits
Communication Buffer160 bytes

Analog Retransmission

Output Signal4-20 mA, 0-20 mA, 0-1V, 0-5V, 1-5V, 0-10V
Resolution15 bits
Accuracy±0.05 % of span ±0.0025 %/ °C
Load Resistance0 – 500 ohms ( for current output ),10 K ohm minimum ( for voltage output )
Output Regulation0.01 % for full load change
User Interface
Single 4-digit LED Displays10mm (C21, C91)
Keypad3 keys(C21), 4 keys(C91)
Programming PortFor automatic setup, calibration and testing
Communication PortConnection to PC for supervisory control

Control Mode

Output 1Reverse ( heating ) or direct ( cooling )action
Output 2PID cooling control, cooling P band 50 ~ 300% of PB, dead band -36.0 ~ 36.0% of PB
ON-OFF0.1 – 90.0 ( °F ) hysteresis control ( P band = 0 )
P or PD0 – 100.0 % offset adjustment
PIDFuzzy logic modified , Proportional band 0.1 ~ 900.0°F ,
Integral time 0 – 3600 seconds , Derivative time 0 – 360.0 seconds
Cycle Time0.1 – 100.0 seconds
Manual ControlHeat (MV1) and Cool (MV2)
Auto-tuningCold start and warm start
Failure ModeAuto-transfer to manual mode while sensor break or A-D converter damage
Ramping Control0 ~ 900.0°F/minute or 0 ~ 900.0 °F/hour ramp rate
Sleep ModeEnable or Disable
Ramping Control0 ~ 500.0 °C/minute or 0 ~ 500.0 °C/hour ramp rate

Digital Filter

FunctionFirst order
Time Constant0, 0.2, 0.5, 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 30, 60 seconds programmable
Environmental & Physical
Operating Temperature-10°C ~ 50°C
Storage Temperature-40°C ~ 60°C
Humidity0 to 90 % RH ( non-condensing )
Altitude2000m maximum
PollutionDegree 2
Insulation Resistance20 Mohms min. ( at 500 VDC )
Dielectric Strength2000 VAC, 50/60 Hz for 1 minute
Vibration Resistance10 – 55 Hz, 10 m/s² for 2 hours
Shock Resistance200 m/s² ( 20 g )
MoldingsFlame retardant polycarbonate
DimensionsC21 —50mm(W) X 26.5mm(H) X 110.5mm(D), 98.0 mm depth behind panel
C91 —48mm(W) X 48mm(H) X 94mm(D), 86 mm depth behind panel
MountingC21 —panel mount, cutout 22 X 45( mm )
C91 —panel mount, cutout 45 X 45 ( mm )
WeightC21 — 120 grams
C91 — 140 grams

Approval Standards

SafetyUL 61010C-1 , CSA C22.2 No. 24-93 , EN61010-1 (IEC1010-1)
Protective ClassNEMA 4X ( IP65 ) front panel for C21,
IP30 front panel for C91, all indoor use,
IP20 housing and terminals

Brainchild C21/C91 Model

  • C21 : 50x26mm
  • C91: 48x48mm
  • BTC-4100: 96x96mm
  • BTC-7100 : 72x72mm
  • BTC-8100: 48x96mm
  • BTC-9100: 48x48mm
  • BTC-9090: 48x48mm

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