Gastec DTP-2-20 Rubber Caps

Reusable rubber caps can be attached to the broken edges of the detector tubes as an extra precautionary safety measure. Blue caps can be used with the largest size detector tubes (outer diametre of 7mm) and pink ones with all other tubes. One (1) package contains 20 caps.


Reusable rubber caps can be attached to the broken edges of the detector tubes as an extra precautionary safety measure. Blue caps can be used with the largest size detector tubes (outer diametre of 7mm) and pink ones with all other tubes. One (1) package contains 20 caps.




Although, technology is always evolving, one demand on our products never changes: the demand for customer safety. Whenever we contribute to customer safety, we are presented with an opportunity to develop further.

GASTEC holds this corporate creed of safety and development in high esteem, as it strives to grow while always putting customer safety first.