Fluidwell D010 DIN Panel Mount Flow rate Indicator

Watertight DIN panel mount flow rate indicators / totalizers, the better alternative for your existing, not waterproof panel meters.


The D010 is a local, panel mount indicator to display the actual flow rate. The measuring and time unit to be displayed are simply selected through an alfa-numerical configuration menu. No adhesive labels have to be put on the outside of the enclosure: a weather proof and user friendly solution! The configuration of K-factors or Span and number of decimals is done through software functions, without any sensitive dip-switches or trimmers.

  • Unique, robust IP66, IP67 (NEMA Type4X) panel mount front enclosure made of die cast aluminum, allowing even big jets of water and total immersion.
  • Familiar easy operation with the Fluidwell “Know one, know them all” configuration structure, saving time, cost and aggravation.




By default, we offer an extensive portfolio. Products that can be easily adapted to your needs. Moreover, we like to think along and ahead to achieve the best solution for any application. We have just one goal in mind:

Your Success CountYou want to be on track continuously when it comes to quality, safety and yield. Moreover, you want to work with systems that guarantee maximum performance and uptime, even under extreme conditions. Fluidwell offers you the best, future-proof answers in the field of signal processing equipment.

Flow indicators, totalizers and computers are our core business. We have the profound knowledge and experience to develop products that perform, always. We develop beyond specs, intrinsically safe, and explosion proof... because we know what works best and what the requirements are to keep working over time.